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Cult. cuid ; 28(68): 165-178, Abr 10, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232320


Una de las principales novedades del debate parlamentariode la ley de beneficencia en el Trienio Liberal radicó en lasdelaciones de irregularidades en la gestión de este tipo deestablecimientos. La meta principal de este estudio es analizardichas denuncias sobre la base de una triple diferenciación:las que apuntan a las irregularidades debidas a una malagestión de los recursos económicos, las que se refieren ala administración concejil y las que tienen que ver con ladejadez de quienes cuidaban a los menesterosos en talescasas. Los debates parlamentarios del Trienio liberal en laLey de Beneficencia se constituyen como fuente principaldel estudio. Metodológicamente se aborda el análisis de lasintervenciones de los diputados que participaron en la elaboraciónde dicha normativa. Lo extraño en esta época no eran estasirregularidades, asumidas como algo natural, sino el hechode que fueran denunciadas por los parlamentarios, pues elloevidencia un cambio sustancial en cuanto a la voluntad decontrolar la gestión económica de estos establecimientos,así como la responsabilidad de los cuidadores.(AU)

One of the main novelties in the parliamentary debate ofthe Charities Act during the Liberal Triennium consisted indenouncing the irregularities committed in such establishments.The main goal of this work is to analyse those denouncesaccording to a triple differentiation: those regarding anirregular management of the economic resources; thoseconcerning the council management; and those relating to ill-treatment in the charity houses. The parliamentary debatesof the Liberal Triennium in the Charity Law constitute themain source of the study. Methodologically, the analysis ofthe interventions of the deputies who participated in theelaboration of said regulations is addressed. Being assumed asnatural, such irregularities had never been denounced beforeby the Members of Parliament, which evidences a substantialchange in the will of controlling the economic managementof such establishments, as well as the caretakers’ behaviour.(AU)

Uma das principais novidades do debate parlamentar sobrea lei da caridade no Triênio Liberal foram os relatos deirregularidades na gestão desse tipo de estabelecimento. Oobjetivo principal deste estudo é analisar essas denúncias a partirde uma tripla diferenciação: as que apontam irregularidadespor má gestão dos recursos econômicos, as que se referemà gestão do conselho e as que dizem respeito ao descaso dequem cuidava dos necessitados em tais casas. Os debatesparlamentares do Triênio Liberal na Lei da Caridade constituema principal fonte do estudo. Metodologicamente, aborda-se aanálise das intervenções dos deputados que participaram daelaboração do referido regulamento. O estranho nessa épocanão foram essas irregularidades, presumidas como naturais,mas o fato de terem sido denunciadas por parlamentares, poisisso mostra uma mudança substancial em termos da vontadede controlar a gestão econômica desses estabelecimentos,bem como do cuidadores de responsabilidade.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , História do Século XIX , Corrupção , Poder Legislativo , Beneficência , Espanha
Acta Vet Scand ; 66(1): 12, 2024 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38491360


Professor Gerhard Sand (1861-1921) was the first professor of veterinary obstetrics at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark. He began teaching the theory and practice of obstetrics to veterinary students in 1887 and spent the following years until his death in 1921 developing the veterinary obstetrics teaching program. During this period, veterinary obstetrics was established as an independent discipline at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University. Professor Sand's teaching had a major impact on the field of veterinary obstetrics in Scandinavia. He was devoted to teaching veterinary obstetrics and produced a number of obstetrical illustrations, some of which showed different causes of dystocia, mainly fetal malpresentation in cattle and horses. Professor Sand created the illustrations with the intention of publishing a handbook of obstetrics, but due to illness and an early death, this work was never completed. This compilation of historical artworks of dystocia in cattle and horses includes some of these illustrations and is published to honour Professor Sand, with the intention of making his illustrations widely available for the teaching of veterinary obstetrics.

Doenças dos Bovinos , Distocia , Doenças dos Cavalos , Animais , Bovinos , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Agricultura , Distocia/veterinária , Cavalos , Países Escandinavos e Nórdicos , Estudantes , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX
Psiquiatr. biol. (Internet) ; 31(1): [100438], ene.-mar 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231630


La adecuada comprensión de un término psicopatológico requiere, no solo del conocimiento de la alteración descrita, sino también de los contextos y conceptos a partir de los cuales fue acuñado y de la transformación de los mismos a lo largo del tiempo. En el caso del trastorno formal del pensamiento se describe su evolución desde su incorporación a la psicopatología con fines puramente descriptivos y asociado a la influencia del asociacionismo y a la idea de una dependencia directa entre pensamiento y lenguaje hasta la actualidad, en que el uso de herramientas computacionales y de hipótesis provenientes de la lingüística han promovido su uso como instrumento diagnóstico y marcador pronóstico, al tiempo que ha significado la incorporación de nueva terminología. (AU)

Properly understanding a psychopathological term requires knowledge of the disorder described, the contexts and concepts from which it was coined, and its modification over time. In the case of formal thought disorder, we describe its evolution from its incorporation into psychopathology for purely descriptive purposes and associated with the influence of associationism and the idea of a direct dependence between thought and language to the present day, in which the use of computational tools and hypotheses from linguistics have promoted its use as a diagnostic tool and prognostic marker, while simultaneously leading to the incorporation of new terminology. (AU)

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Pensamento , Psicopatologia/história , Psicopatologia/tendências , Desenvolvimento da Linguagem , Cognição , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto/história , Terminologia como Assunto , Diagnóstico por Computador , Esquizofrenia , Linguística
An. R. Acad. Nac. Farm. (Internet) ; 90(1): 139-147, Ene-Mar, 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232339


Utilizando como fuente principal la documentación conservada en los Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos de Madrid y Toledo, la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, la sección de África en el Archivo General de la Administración y la prensa períodica local, en particular la impresa en Salamanca y Santa Isabel (Guinea), reconstruimos la biografía del farmacéutico Juan Vegue Martín, desde su tierra natal en la comarca salmantina de Guijuelo hasta los últimos datos conocidos, en los territorios coloniales de la Guinea Española. Una biografía que puede servir como estudio de caso para otros farmacéuticos rurales, de vida nómada, que vivieron -y sufrieron- los años de la Guerra Civil española.(AU)

Using as main source the documentation kept in the Official Colleges of Pharmacists of Madrid and Toledo, the University of Santiago de Compostela, the section of Africa in the General Archive of the Administration and the local periodical press, particularly the one printed in Salamanca and Santa Isabel (Guinea), we reconstruct the biography of the pharmacist Juan Vegue Martín, from his homeland in the Guijuelo region of Salamanca to the latest known data, in the colonial territories of Spanish Guinea. A biography that can serve as a case study for other rural pharmacists, with a nomadic life, who lived through -and suffered- the years of the Spanish Civil War.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Farmácia , Farmacêuticos , História do Século XIX , Farmacêuticos/história , História do Século XX , Espanha
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 98: e202402008, Feb. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231350


En este artículo se revisa y comenta el libro de epidemiología escrito por el médico español Benigno Risueño de Amador (1802-1849), publicado inicialmente en francés (1829) y posteriormente traducido al español (1831). Este estudio documental retrospectivo de un manual científico-médico glosa el contenido del libro, destacando sus aspectos más importantes. El libro de casi doscientos años de antigüedad puede considerarse una valiosa y temprana contribución a la epidemio-logía, así como una muestra de la gran preocupación existente en la Europa de principios del siglo XIX por el tema de las epidemias. Representa además una valiosa contribución española, que muestra los esfuerzos realizados para avanzar en esta disciplina médica hacia una posición más científica en una época incipientemente microbiana.(AU)

This article reviews and comments on the epidemiological book written by the Spanish physician Benigno Risueño de Amador (1802-1849), initially published in French (1829), and its subsequent translation into Spanish (1831). This retrospective documentary case study of a scientific-medical manual reviews the contents of the book, highlighting its most important aspects. This almost 200-year-old book can be considered a valuable, early contribution to epidemiology, and a sign of the great concern in early 19th Europe about the subject of epidemics. It represents a valuable contribution that shows the enormous efforts made to advance in this medical discipline towards a more scientific position at an incipient microbial time.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , História do Século XIX , Epidemias/história , Epidemiologia
Acta Med Hist Adriat ; 21(2): 203-222, 2024 01 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38270074


Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) was the founder of the modern-day Turkish Republic. Although much has been published about his life, only one biography adopted a psychological/psychoanalytic perspective. The authors Vamik Volkan and Norman Itzkowitz argued that the main driving mechanism behind Atatürk's behavior was his narcissistic personality organization. Their framework considered Mustafa's birth, which occurred shortly after his elder brothers had passed away, and how his mother, presumably in a state of severe depression, could not provide adequate emotional care, which gave way to compensatory narcissistic tendencies in the child. For several decades, the hypothesis has remained unchallenged, and no serious review has yet been carried out. In this article, I argue that Mustafa Kemal was a highly intelligent and gifted child based on his well-developed verbal skills and his record as a high achiever at school. While considering the impact of adverse events in early childhood on cognitive development and personality, a review of historical texts revealed that his elder brothers died in 1883-not before Mustafa's birth, as the authors had believed. Thus, no serious event appears to have taken place in his early years when rapid brain development is thought to occur. Since the central premise has lost its integrity to support the biography, Volkan and Itzkowitz's hypothesis can no longer be regarded as tenable and viable.

60564 , Humanos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Pessoas Famosas
Schizophr Res ; 263: 18-26, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37147227


In the 19th century, postmortem brain examination played a central role in the search for the neurobiological origin of psychiatric and neurological disorders. During that time, psychiatrists, neurologists, and neuropathologists examined autopsied brains from catatonic patients and postulated that catatonia is an organic brain disease. In line with this development, human postmortem studies of the 19th century became increasingly important in the conception of catatonia and might be seen as precursors of modern neuroscience. In this report, we closely examined autopsy reports of eleven catatonia patients of Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum. Further, we performed a close reading and analysis of previously (systematically) identified historical German and English texts between 1800 and 1900 for autopsy reports of catatonia patients. Two main findings emerged: (i) Kahlbaum's most important finding in catatonia patients was the opacity of the arachnoid; (ii) historical human postmortem studies of catatonia patients postulated a number of neuroanatomical abnormalities such as cerebral enlargement or atrophy, anemia, inflammation, suppuration, serous effusion, or dropsy as well as alterations of brain blood vessels such as rupture, distension or ossification in the pathogenesis of catatonia. However, the exact localization has often been missing or inaccurate, probably due to the lack of standardized subdivision/nomenclature of the respective brain areas. Nevertheless, Kahlbaum's 11 autopsy reports and the identified neuropathological studies between 1800 and 1900 made important discoveries, which still have the potential to inform and bolster modern neuroscientific research in catatonia.

Autopsia , Encéfalo , Catatonia , Neurociências , Humanos , Encéfalo/patologia , Catatonia/diagnóstico , Catatonia/história , Catatonia/patologia , Neurobiologia/história , Neurociências/história , Autopsia/história , Autopsia/métodos , História do Século XIX
Med Trop Sante Int ; 3(3)2023 09 30.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38094485


Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran - 18 June 1845 - 18 May 1922: first French Nobel Prize in Medicine, "in recognition of his work on the role played by protozoa in causing diseases". One hundred years after his death, only written records remain of his work and life. The witnesses to this period are no more. Alphonse Laveran has become an "object" of history.He was deeply involved in a turbulent historical period, marked by crises of regime change (Monarchy/Empire/Republic), military events (French colonial expansion in North Africa from 1830, the wars of 1870 and 1914-1918) and their consequences (the medical impact of infections in the colonial empire and during armed conflicts, the Dreyfus affair, among others), the advent of Pasteurian "microbiology" and the deciphering of the causes and modes of transmission of infectious diseases. A player on the edge of the military and civilian worlds, with their own, sometimes incompatible, visions of the aims and objectives to be pursued, Alphonse Laveran lived through these upheavals in a society in the throes of change, in his family and scientific environment.Paradoxically, the primary sources available to us for learning about this scientist and man are both abundant and "scarce" for us in the 21st century. His scientific publications and many of his speeches at various academies, committees and meetings are for the most part public and accessible, giving us a vision of a professional in scientific and medical research in action, presenting and convincing people of his ideas and theoretical and practical insights. The writings of his contemporaries, both public and private, shed light on - distort? - the man's many facets. On the other hand, there are few surviving sources on the man and his vision of life, his life and that of his family and friends.We will rely on the archives that have been preserved, in particular by the organisations that welcomed him during his military and civilian career, as well as by his wife Marie Laveran and his colleague Marie Phisalix, one of the first doctors of medicine in France and a renowned herpetologist. These two female figures have preserved and contributed to his memory. Let's take a closer look at the man behind the scientist, as we can imagine him through the traces that remain.

Infecções por Protozoários , Humanos , África do Norte , França , Infecções por Protozoários/história , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX
Asclepio ; 75(2): e27, Juli-Dic. 2023. mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228674


Actualmente, el paludismo o malaria no circula de forma activa en muchos países de renta alta, y la mayoría de los casos que se producen en el mundo se localizan en el continente africano. España fue un territorio habitual para el paludismo hasta 1964, fecha en que se confirmó su erradicación en nuestro país. El objetivo de este estudio es investigar, desde una perspectiva geográfica e integradora, el paludismo en España a lo largo de los siglos XVIII, XIX y XX. La interrelación o superposición de diversos factores resultaría determinante en la persistencia de situaciones endémicas a lo ancho de las grandes cuencas hidrográficas al oeste e interior peninsular, así como en la fachada levantina, principalmente. No obstante, sería la actividad humana la que moduló, en última instancia, fluctuaciones locales en esta distribución, creando o modificando las condiciones idóneas para la aparición del paludismo. La malaria epidémica también se caracterizaría por emerger de una interrelación de partes en un sistema complejo, y en ella destacó el papel de fenómenos atmosféricos extremos.(AU)

Nowadays paludism, also known as malaria, is not an active disease in most of high-rent countries, while the majority of newly reported cases are located in the African continent. Malaria was present in Spain until 1964, when its eradication was confirmed in our country. The aim of this study is to investigate paludism in Spain through XVIIIth, XIXth and XXth centuries, from a holistic, geographical perspective. In most of our selected time lapse, persistent endemic situations spread along the main western hydrographic basins of the Peninsula, and also affected the Mediterranean coastal provinces: such distribution was determined by several interrelating factors. However, it was human activity that utterly shaped the local configuration of paludism, creating or transforming environmental conditions related to the development of endemic or epidemic situations. Epidemic malaria was also a product of interactions taking place in a complex system, and extreme atmospheric phenomena may have played an important role in it.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Malária/epidemiologia , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Geografia Médica , Anopheles
Asclepio ; 75(2): e29, Juli-Dic. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228676


Este trabajo se propone indagar en los mecanismos a través de los cuales el conocimiento técnico sobre el hormigón armado circuló entre fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del siglo XX en Chile, donde la aplicación de esta innovación tecnológica fue observada como una posible solución frente a los daños causados por los terremotos. El artículo revisa la circulación de los saberes técnicos a través de medios impresos, los avatares que observaron sus primeras aplicaciones en este país y la lección constructiva que dejaron los terremotos de comienzos del siglo XX, como catalizadores de la innovación representada por el hormigón armado a nivel global.(AU)

This work aims to investigate the mechanisms through which technical knowledge about reinforced concrete circulated between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century in Chile, where the application of this technological innovation was observed as a possible solution to the damage caused by earthquakes. The article reviews the circulation of technical knowledge through printed media, the vicissitudes observed in its first applications in this country, and the constructive lesson left by the earthquakes of the early twentieth century, as catalysts for the innovation represented by reinforced concrete.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Terremotos , Materiais de Construção , Invenções , Patentes como Assunto , Chile
Asclepio ; 75(2): e31, Juli-Dic. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228678


Este artículo analiza, a partir el vínculo entre psiquiatría y antropología, cómo se consolidó un discurso organicista capaz de legitimar el exterminio nazi y las políticas eugenésicas en los países democráticos. Partimos del degeneracionismo del siglo XIX y contrastamos la vertiente étnica y racial de Arthur de Gobineau con la vertiente alienista de Benedict Morel, hasta llegar a la síntesis de Cesare Lombroso. Visibilizamos el vínculo que Emil Kraepelin estableció entre la “degeneración” de los individuos y la de las razas, señalando al pueblo judío, como determinante en la consolidación científica de la Rassenhygiene en la que Adolf Hitler fundamentó su Mein Kampf. Destacamos como la justificación para “destruir la vida indigna de ser vivida”, que emergió desde el ensamblaje entre la psiquiatría y la justicia, fue determinante en la transición del III Reich entre la esterilización forzosa y el exterminio. Abordamos el Programa de Eutanasia forzosa a través del importante papel político de Ernst Rüdin, sucesor de Kraepelin y fundador de la psiquiatría genética. Concluimos que el nacionalsocialismo llevó a su máxima expresión la lógica de muerte inscrita en el degeneracionismo. Finalmente, tras una reflexión sobre las reacciones y alternativas de posguerra, destacamos la persistencia contemporánea tanto del determinismo biológico como de la desigualdad legal que marcaron el destino de las primeras víctimas del exterminio nazi.(AU)

This article analyses, from the link between psychiatry and anthropology, how an organicist discourse capable of legitimizing both, nazi extermination and eugenic policies in democratic countries, was consolidated. We depart from 19th century theory of degeneration and contrast the ethnic and racial facet of Arthur de Gobineau with the alienist facet of Benedict Morel, until reaching the synthesis of Cesare Lombroso. We highlight the link that Emil Kraepelin established between the “degeneration” of individuals and that of races, pointing out to the Jews, as determinative in the scientific consolidation of Rassenhygiene in which Adolf Hitler based its Mein Kampf. We stress the justification for “destroying life unworthy of live”, that emerged from the assemblage between psychiatry and justice, as determinant in the Third Reich transition between forced sterilization and extermination. We approach the forced Euthanasia Program through the important political role of Ernst Rüdin, Kraepelin’s successor and founder of genetic psychiatry. We conclude that National Socialism took to its maximum expression the logic of death inscribed in the theory of degeneration. Finally, after a reflection on post-war reactions and alternatives, we highlight the contemporary persistence of both biological determinism and legal inequality that marked the fate of the first victims of nazi extermination.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , História do Século XIX , Psiquiatria/história , Antropologia/história , Socialismo Nacional , Campos de Concentração , Racismo
Artigo em Russo | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38142353


Despite numerous publications devoted to role of Vasily Shervinsky as public figure, organizer and researcher, information about his private life is almost not described in historical literature. The article presents an attempt, based on archival sources and not numerous testimonies of contemporaries, to draw up portrait of V. D. Shervinsky against the background of his medical, social and universal historical milieu.

História da Medicina , Humanos , Federação Russa , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX
Zhonghua Yi Shi Za Zhi ; 53(5): 308-312, 2023 Sep 28.
Artigo em Chinês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37935514


Syuzo Kure (1865-1932) was the founder of modern psychiatry in Japan and one of the pioneers of the study on the Japanese medical history. He introduced the modern hospital system and psychiatric research, actively promoted the improvement of the treatment of the mental disorders.He was the founder of the Japanese Psychiatric Neurological Association and the Journal of Neurology, and also promoted the establishment of the Charity Treatment Association for the Mentally ill.At the same time, he excavated and sorted out the historical materials of psychiatry, and founded the Japanese Medical History Society.While the medical social history is heating up in China, it is of many significance to pay attention to the study of psychiatric history and a representative figure like Syuzo Kure.

Psiquiatria , Humanos , Hospitais , Japão , Psiquiatria/história , Sociedades Médicas , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX
Nature ; 624(7990): 122-129, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37993721


Before the colonial period, California harboured more language variation than all of Europe, and linguistic and archaeological analyses have led to many hypotheses to explain this diversity1. We report genome-wide data from 79 ancient individuals from California and 40 ancient individuals from Northern Mexico dating to 7,400-200 years before present (BP). Our analyses document long-term genetic continuity between people living on the Northern Channel Islands of California and the adjacent Santa Barbara mainland coast from 7,400 years BP to modern Chumash groups represented by individuals who lived around 200 years BP. The distinctive genetic lineages that characterize present-day and ancient people from Northwest Mexico increased in frequency in Southern and Central California by 5,200 years BP, providing evidence for northward migrations that are candidates for spreading Uto-Aztecan languages before the dispersal of maize agriculture from Mexico2-4. Individuals from Baja California share more alleles with the earliest individual from Central California in the dataset than with later individuals from Central California, potentially reflecting an earlier linguistic substrate, whose impact on local ancestry was diluted by later migrations from inland regions1,5. After 1,600 years BP, ancient individuals from the Channel Islands lived in communities with effective sizes similar to those in pre-agricultural Caribbean and Patagonia, and smaller than those on the California mainland and in sampled regions of Mexico.

Variação Genética , Povos Indígenas , Humanos , Agricultura/história , California/etnologia , Região do Caribe/etnologia , Etnicidade/genética , Etnicidade/história , Europa (Continente)/etnologia , Variação Genética/genética , História do Século XV , História do Século XVI , História do Século XVII , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , História Antiga , História Medieval , Migração Humana/história , Povos Indígenas/genética , Povos Indígenas/história , Ilhas , Idioma/história , México/etnologia , Zea mays , Genoma Humano/genética , Genômica , Alelos